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ads Amanda Palmer audience cable TV CBS commercials consumer electronics consumers crowdfunding digital advertising digital tools experiences Fast Company filmmakers Fred Wilson HBO Hollywood independent film innovation internet Kevin Kelly Kickstarter mass media media movie theaters Netflix net neutrality networks Paul Schrader Prometheus Sheri Candler smart phones social media Steven Johnson technology The Hunger Games Tim O'Reilly Tim Wu TV tv spots Union Square Ventures user experience VHX Vimeo Zoe Keating
Tag Archives: internet
Want an Audience? Listen Carefully
There have been several excellent pieces that have dissected the Obama campaign’s effective use of digital technology. Jon Ward added to this collection with his Republican Party Path Back From 2012 Election Requires Shift In Culture, Not Just Tactics. While … Continue reading
Posted in Advertising, Innovation, Internet, Marketing, Social Media
Tagged digital tools, Harper Reed, innovation, internet, Obama campaign, social media, Tim O'Reilly
Filmmakers: Gather Your Audience Early and Often
Film festivals have long been powerful tools for indie filmmakers who seek audiences for their films. They serve as launching pads for that elusive big distribution deal that catapults an obscure filmmaker and unknown movie to fame and (sometimes) fortune. … Continue reading
Zoe Keating, “I want to be paid in data.”
Over two years ago, I wrote a post about Zoe Keating and why she was an artist that other artists (particularly filmmakers) could learn from. Then she was a leader in using the Internet to distribute and make money from … Continue reading
Posted in Distribution, Innovation, Internet, Social Media
Tagged Big Data, filmmakers, innovation, internet, social media, technology, Zoe Keating
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The Memo Deep Inside HBO
Deep inside HBO’s New York offices is a memo that was originally created 5 years ago. Each year it gets updated with new numbers and projections. This document is controlled by its corporate strategy group and it lays out the … Continue reading
Posted in Distribution, Innovation, Internet, Television, Uncategorized
Tagged digital tools, HBO, innovation, internet, mass media, networks, technology, TV
You Need to Build a Database of Your Followers
Over the past two weeks I have had the chance to meet with some smart filmmakers and discuss how they might better think about and build their audiences. And today, while catching up with my reading I had the good … Continue reading
Posted in Distribution, Independent Film, Innovation, Internet, Marketing, Social Media
Tagged digital tools, filmmakers, independent film, innovation, internet, social media
As Social Media Marketing Increases, Will TV Ads Decline?
“What is originality? To see something that has no name as yet and hence cannot be mentioned although it stares us all in the face. The way men usually are, it takes a name to make something visible to them.” … Continue reading
Posted in Advertising, Distribution, Hollywood, Innovation, Internet, Marketing, Movie Theaters, Social Media
Tagged ads, digital tools, experiences, Hollywood, innovation, internet, networks, Prometheus, social media, The Hunger Games, user experience
Two Models For A Movie Hackathon
The month of October will feature two movie hackathons, one in New York, the other in Los Angeles. Bond Strategy and Influence is hosting The Film Experience Hackathon which takes place this coming weekend, October 13-14 in New York. They … Continue reading
Posted in Hollywood, Innovation, Internet
Tagged digital tools, filmmakers, Hollywood, innovation, internet, networks, Steven Johnson, technology
Who Are Those “People With The Algorithms”?
I am continually fascinated by what mass media business leaders think about the Internet. This was brought into relief for me recently while I was reading Steven Johnson’s new book, Future Perfect: The Case For Progress In A Networked Age, … Continue reading
Posted in Distribution, Hollywood, Independent Film, Innovation, Internet
Tagged digital tools, filmmakers, Future Perfect, Hollywood, innovation, internet, James Schamus, software, Steven Johnson, technology, user experience
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MoviePass: Who Needs Permission?
MoviePass, the movie subscription service, today announced a new feature that will vastly increase their subscriber base. A detailed description of this new feature can be found here. Following is my short summary. MoviePass offers a monthly subscription plan priced … Continue reading
Posted in Distribution, Hollywood, Marketing, Mobile, Movie Theaters, Social Media
Tagged digital tools, filmmakers, innovation, internet, networks, social media
The Film Experience Hackathon (and why you should attend)
Yesterday my twitter feed brought news of an event taking place on October 13-14 in NYC that anyone interested in film should attend. As described on its web site: The Film Experience Hackathon is a weekend-long event whereby hackers, filmmakers … Continue reading